When it came to coming up with a working title for Ant-Man & the Wasp, director Peyton Reed looked to Dr. Steve Brule for inspiration. Like Guardians of the Galaxy, the first Ant-Man was able to stand out and sell a somewhat silly character by leaning into the humor. From the fun Luis recaps to all the inventive ways shrinking was used in fight scenes, the movie never took itself too seriously, and judging from the hilarious Ant-Man 2 TV spots, the sequel will follow suit.
Part of the humor will come from Scott’s well-meaning ineptitude when it comes to being a hero. It will also stem from Luis, Kurt, and Dave as they continue to work their way into Scott’s life. While out of the suit, Scott will team up with his former criminal collaborators to form a security firm staffed by ex-cons. There’s no telling how the business will work out, but it will certainly be funny (it’ll only get better, of course, if Luis gets his own suit).
During Screen Rant’s set visit to Ant-Man & the Wasp, director Peyton Reed was asked why the film’s working title was Cherry Blue. And sure enough, there’s a joke there.
While the phrase on its own is a bizarre but fitting reference to the aesthetic of the film (and Ant-Man’s suit), the fact that it ties into Check It Out! and Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! is even better. With any luck, maybe Tim, Eric, or John C. Reilly will have a cameo in the movie.
“Cherry Blue is a nod to a Tim and Eric sketch where Dr. Steve Brule’s going to buy a car. Do you know the sketch? And he wants a cherry red car and they only have cherry blue. So, for some reason that – it felt like something you’d see, like, spray-painted on the side of a van. For some reason, it felt appropriate – but just, it felt right for the vibe of our movie.”
This also continues a more humorous trend when it comes to Marvel movie working titles. Spider-Man: Homecoming used Summer of George in a nod to Seinfeld, and Spider-Man: Homecoming 2’s working title is continuing the trend. Of course, humor has always been at the core of even the darkest MCU films, so it’s no surprise that the crew take a lighter approach to obscuring the production while they’re filming. And who knows, maybe we will indeed see a van with ‘Cherry Blue’ airbrushed on the side in Ant-Man & the Wasp.
- Ant-Man 2 Release Date: 2018-07-06 captain marvel Release Date: 2019-03-08 The Avengers 4 Release Date: 2019-04-26 spider-man homecoming 2 Release Date: 2019-07-02