While the exact balancing act is a bit nebulous as of now, the patch notes say the appearance rates have been tweaked until April 11, and underneath that is a smaller note saying they’ll be easier to find on April 12.
Eggs being easier to find on April 12 makes sense; it’s Bunny Day, after all. Hopefully, “the appearance rate of some eggs has been adjusted until April 11, 2020” means we won’t be finding quite so many Eggs until then as well.
New Horizons’ Bunny Day has become both running joke and exasperating “feature” since it started on April 1. Egg furniture and outfits are nice — and sell well — but the event replaces most fish with Water Eggs and sends an armada of balloons over your peaceful island on a daily basis. Hopefully, now everyone can enjoy it and regular island life in equal measure.
The full notes are on Nintendo Japan’s website. Stay tuned to GameSkinny for more Animal Crossing: New Horizons news as it develops.